Stomach cancer

The development of a malignant tumor of the stomach is preceded by precancerous conditions – chronic diseases that can be detected and treated. These are usually gastritis, ulcers and polyps. Stomach cancer is a malignant tumor growing from the epithelial cells of the mucous (inner) lining of the stomach. The tumor can occur in different parts of the stomach: in the upper, where it connects to the esophagus, in the main part (body) of the stomach, or in the lower, where the stomach connects to the intestines. The likelihood of developing stomach cancer increases in both men and women after …

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Helicobacter – the cause of gastritis and ulcers

Our body is literally stuffed with a variety of microorganisms and is a kind of microbiological dormitory. Most of its inhabitants are completely law-abiding citizens, they do not violate outrage, they cooperate with internal organs (with the intestines, for example), in a word, they help a person. There are neutral individuals among the “tenants” – they do not bring harm, but there is no benefit from them either. Just random fellow travelers. And there is a third category – all sorts of hidden pests. Which, under the cover of mucous membranes, do their dirty work, weakening and undermining our body …

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Stomach and duodenal ulcer: causes and manifestations

The disease is characterized by a chronic course and cyclicity: the disease undermines the health of its owner for years, periods of exacerbation are replaced by deceptive calmness. Peptic ulcer is a disease in which defects (ulcers) form in the stomach and (or) the duodenum of a person. Most often, men from 20 to 50 years old suffer from peptic ulcer disease. The disease is characterized by a chronic course and cyclicity: the disease undermines the health of its owner for years, periods of exacerbation are replaced by deceptive calmness. Most often, the ulcer makes itself felt in the spring …

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Diarrhea is not an independent disease, but a symptom of many different diseases and disorders, from severe infections to stress. In addition to unpleasant sensations, diarrhea is associated with the danger of rapid dehydration. You will learn from our article about what diseases can be associated with frequent loose stools and what measures should be taken in case of sudden diarrhea. What is diarrhea In everyday life, we call diarrhea diarrhea. This is loose stools more often 3-4 times a day, accompanied by pain and bloating, pulling pains in the rectal area without defecation (tenesmus), sometimes nausea and vomiting. With …

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Constipation legends and myths

Chronic constipation is uncomfortable, but not dangerous, which is why many doctors do not pay enough attention to it. There are many misconceptions about constipation that have no scientific basis. The problem of constipation is very delicate, surrounded by many myths and legends. Some of them are created and supported by manufacturers of various “miraculous” remedies for constipation – all kinds of teas for weight loss, “normalizing” capsules, jars with “life-giving” plant fiber. A review article published in The American Journal of Gastroenterology summarizes the findings of numerous clinical studies on the issue of regular and unimpeded bowel movements. No …

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Is ordinary heartburn so harmless?

When daily life is continuous speed races, there is not enough time for breakfast in the morning, pastries and coffee replace a full lunch, and a two-day calorie intake is eaten during a late dinner – it is not surprising that heartburn occurs. What is gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)? The burning sensation behind the breastbone, which is familiar to many of us, refers to one of the symptoms of a disease with a difficult to pronounce name – gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). With this very common disease, the acidic contents of the stomach and duodenum are thrown into the esophagus, …

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Country first aid kit

The first aid kit should not be very bulky. After all, it should contain medicines only for providing the very first aid, and then it is necessary to deliver the patient to the doctor. With the onset of warm May days, the owners of country houses cease to please the city noise, the abundance of cars and the presence of a supermarket across the street from the house. The heart asks for the city, for fresh air. Dacha fees are usually quick and hectic. It is important not to forget warm clothes, rubber boots, mosquito repellent, skewers and a children’s …

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The risk of gallbladder inflammation increases with stones in the bladder and bile ducts. The risk group for cholecystitis includes women aged 40 and older, they get sick 5 times more often than men. Cholecystitis threatens with serious complications – peritonitis and sepsis. Knowing the symptoms of cholecystitis will allow you to immediately consult a doctor at the first warning signs. What is cholecystitis Cholecystitis is a collective medical term that denotes inflammatory processes in the gallbladder that are different in etiology, nature of the course and symptoms. Why do you need a gallbladder The gallbladder is similar in size …

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Biliary dyskinesia

Violation of the contractions of the smooth muscles of the biliary tract and the sphincter of Oddi leads to uneven secretion of bile (primarily from the gallbladder). Not very dangerous in itself, the disease can lead to the development of gallstone disease. Bile is a special fluid that is produced in the liver. Its main tasks are to improve the absorption of fats and to activate the movement of food through the intestines. Before bile enters the intestines, it goes through a difficult path along the biliary tract. First, from the liver, it enters the hepatic ducts, from there into …

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Colon cancer treatment

Colon cancer is a tumor that occurs in the lining of the colon and rectum. This disease is also called colorectal cancer (from Latin colon – colon and rectum – rectum). About 50,000 cases of this type of cancer are registered in Russia every year. At risk are people prone to inflammatory bowel disease, although this is not the only factor that increases the likelihood of developing the disease. Forecast The prognosis depends on the stage at which the tumor was detected. If treatment is started in the first stage, the survival rate reaches 95%. But in the later stages, …

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